

No poisons

No poisons

Poisons aren't applied yet. You can see how many poisons of selected type are remaining in your bags.
Configuration menu

Configuration menu

You can choose which poison from your bags should be applied to which weapon.
One poison

One poison

One poison was applied.
No poisons (combat)

No poisons (combat)

Same as previous, but in combat. Full opacity.
Configuration menu (drop-down list)

Configuration menu (drop-down list)

An example of how a list of available poisons might look like.
Two poisons

Two poisons

Poisons were applied to both weapons.
Two poisons (combat)

Two poisons (combat)

Save as previous, but in combat. Full opacity. Your can see remaining amount of charges and remaining time of both poisons.
Minimap button

Minimap button

Button on minimap. Press left mouse button to open configuration menu; hold left mouse button to move this button.