Prat 3.0

Prat 3.0


`ChatTabs.lua:1152: attempt to index field 'highlighttabs' (a nil value)`

tflo opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Getting this from time to time:

ChatTabs.lua:1152: attempt to index field 'highlighttabs' (a nil value)
6x Prat-3.0-3.9.60/modules/ChatTabs.lua:1152: attempt to index field 'highlighttabs' (a nil value)
[string "@Prat-3.0-3.9.60/modules/ChatTabs.lua"]:1152: in function <Prat-3.0/modules/ChatTabs.lua:1139>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `AddMessage'
[string "@Blizzard_PrintHandler/Blizzard_PrintHandler.lua"]:70: in function <...dOns/Blizzard_PrintHandler/Blizzard_PrintHandler.lua:67>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_PrintHandler/Blizzard_PrintHandler.lua"]:86: in function <...dOns/Blizzard_PrintHandler/Blizzard_PrintHandler.lua:84>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_PrintHandler/Blizzard_PrintHandler.lua"]:94: in function `print'
[string "return function() aura_env.interesting_cvars = {"]:20: in function `build_display'
[string "return function() aura_env.interesting_cvars = {"]:27: in function <[string "return function() aura_env.interesting_cvar..."]:1>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@WeakAuras/AuraEnvironment.lua"]:374: in function `ActivateAuraEnvironment'
[string "@WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:927: in function `ScanEventsInternal'
[string "@WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:878: in function `ScanEvents'
[string "@WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:1163: in function <WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:1148>

self = <table> {
 chatAlertTimers = <table> {
 hooks = <table> {
 modules = <table> {
 defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
 baseName = "Prat-3.0"
 name = "Prat_ChatTabs"
 orderedModules = <table> {
 HighlightTabsPlugin = <table> {
 chatAlertCleanupActions = <table> {
 db = <table> {
 enabledState = true
 PL = <table> {
 chatTabTexture = <table> {
 moduleName = "ChatTabs"
 defaultModuleState = true
chatFrame = ChatFrame1 {
 shouldFadeAfterInactivity = true
 hasActiveChanges = false
 isScrollingMessageFrame = true
 name = "General"
 isUninteractable = false
 systemPositionDirty = false
 buttonFrame = ChatFrame1ButtonFrame {
 snappedFrames = <table> {
 alternativeDefaultLanguage = "Common"
 hasOwnFontObject = true
 oldAlpha = 0.698039
 channelList = <table> {
 system = 8
 FontStringContainer = Frame {
 messageTypeList = <table> {
 fontObject = table: 0x7f8c27782720 {
 systemNameString = "Chat Frame"
 EditModeResizeButton = Button {
 Background = ChatFrame1Background {
 settingsDialogAnchor = <table> {
 clickAnywhereButton = ChatFrame1ClickAnywhereButton {
 scrollOffset = 0
 isLayoutDirty = false
 systemInfo = <table> {
 isDisplayDirty = true
 buttonSide = "left"
 ResizeButton = ChatFrame1ResizeButton {
 overrideFadeTimestamp = 47958.040000
 settingDisplayInfoMap = <table> {
 fontStringPool = <table> {
 dirtySettings = <table> {
 mouseOutTime = 1.000000
 visibleLines = <table> {
 isInitialized = 1
 allowScroll = true
 savedSystemInfo = <table> {
 oldestFadingLineTimestamp = 47958.040000
 fadeDurationSecs = 3
 downKeys = <table> {
 mouseInTime = 0
 checkedGMOTD = true
 timeVisibleSecs = 120
 textIsCopyable = false
 zoneChannelList = <table> {
 insertMode = 2
 editBox = ChatFrame1EditBox {
 Selection = Frame {
 isDocked = 1
 defaultLanguage = "Common"
 onDisplayRefreshedCallbacks = <table> {
 historyBuffer = <table> {
 settingMap = <table> {
 ScrollToBottomButton = Button {
 ScrollBar = Frame {
 isStaticDocked = true
 isLocked = true
 allowAtGlues = true
oldActions = nil
actions = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "ChatFrame1"
(*temporary) = ChatFrame1 {
 shouldFadeAfterInactivity = true
 hasActiveChanges = false
 isScrollingMessageFrame = true
 name = "General"
 isUninteractable = false
 systemPositionDirty = false
 buttonFrame = ChatFrame1ButtonFrame {
 snappedFrames = <table> {
 alternativeDefaultLanguage = "Common"
 hasOwnFontObject = true
 oldAlpha = 0.698039
 channelList = <table> {
 system = 8
 FontStringContainer = Frame {
 messageTypeList = <table> {
 fontObject = table: 0x7f8c27782720 {
 systemNameString = "Chat Frame"
 EditModeResizeButton = Button {
 Background = ChatFrame1Background {
 settingsDialogAnchor = <table> {
 clickAnywhereButton = ChatFrame1ClickAnywhereButton {
 scrollOffset = 0
 isLayoutDirty = false
 systemInfo = <table> {
 isDisplayDirty = true
 buttonSide = "left"
 ResizeButton = ChatFrame1ResizeButton {
 overrideFadeTimestamp = 47958.040000
 settingDisplayInfoMap = <table> {
 fontStringPool = <table> {
 dirtySettings = <table> {
 mouseOutTime = 1.000000
 visibleLines = <table> {
 isInitialized = 1
 allowScroll = true
 savedSystemInfo = <table> {
 oldestFadingLineTimestamp = 47958.040000
 fadeDurationSecs = 3
 downKeys = <table> {
 mouseInTime = 0
 checkedGMOTD = true
 timeVisibleSecs = 120
 textIsCopyable = false
 zoneChannelList = <table> {
 insertMode = 2
 editBox = ChatFrame1EditBox {
 Selection = Frame {
 isDocked = 1
 defaultLanguage = "Common"
 onDisplayRefreshedCallbacks = <table> {
 historyBuffer = <table> {
 settingMap = <table> {
 ScrollToBottomButton = Button {
 ScrollBar = Frame {
 isStaticDocked = true
 isLocked = true
 allowAtGlues = true
(*temporary) = "ChatFrame1"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'highlighttabs' (a nil value)"

The Tabs module is activated, but none of the "Highlighting/Flashing" options are active (using it only for the alpha options in the Visibility tab).

Addons you are running

Possibly, though not very likely, LeatrixPlus's chat module is interfering, but at time of last error only "Use easy resizing", "Unclamp chat frame", and "Recent chat window" were active.

For the moment, not further investigating and not eliminating the cause, a nil check should silence the error.