Prayer of Mending Tracker

Prayer of Mending Tracker


A mod that tracks who Prayer of Mending is jumping to and how many charges you have left. Displaying it in a small movable window frame. 

/pom for all command line options 

New version 3.47:

Newest features include...
* Fixed issue with sounds that apparently hasn't worked for years. 

* /pom options
- Lock Position: Hides the Title Bar and anchors the window in place
- Fade When Not Active: When you don't have a PoM going, the frame fades out
- Enable Sound: Makes a sound when your PoM dies
- Reset Healing Each Cast: Healing is Reset to 0 every time you cast PoM
- Enable Healing Totals: Displays the healing totals frame
- Hide on Shadowform: Hides the mod while in Shadowform
- Scale: Scaled the Mod in Size to your own personal preference. 

If you are upgrading from an older version and having issues, try deleting the saved variables file in your WTF\Account\username\server\playername\Saved Variables\PoMtracker.lua