Pretty Reputation

Pretty Reputation


Pretty Reputation

Show more information about reputation gain in your chat.





  • Print a configurable message about the reputation change in your preferred output. There are many options for setting up your message.
  • Track session reputation gains or losses on the minimap icon/databroker.
  • Show on-screen bars with session reputation changes.
  • Pick Favorite factions to be always shown as on-screen bar.
  • Set the faction with the latest reputation change as watched.
  • Add your own tags or modify existing ones. (See Example with instructions here)


Locate the 'Pretty Reputation' section within the 'Options -> Addon' section, or right-click the minimap icon. You can also use /pr in chat to get a list of available commands.

  • In the pattern field, compose your desired message format. You can choose from several predefined tags.
  • Define your ideal bar to represent your reputation progress.
    • Choose an optimal character, and determine how many of these will form the bar.
    • Or use texture for the bar. Define its width and height.
  • Define colors for each reputation standing. Choose from several predefined color schemes.
  • Set your preferred output method (Chat, Floating text, etc.)

Compose a message

Compose your message

Modify several TAGs behaviour

Modify TAGs

Select output for your message

Select output

Choose if and how you want your on-screen reputation bars to apear

Modify On-Screen bars

Pick color scheme or define your own colors

Choose your colors

Pick Favorite factions

Favorite factions


If you encounter any problems or have a suggestion, please open an issue on Github.