


Simply right-click your minimap to display a drop down menu populated with your current list of available tracking methods. 

NEW: If no tracking options are available, right-clicking will 'ping' the map as normal.

Save action bar space and still have full access to your tracking options with this ultra lightweight and easy to use addon.

Great for Hunters, Druids, Warlocks, and anyone with Mining or Herbalism looking to clean up their action bars. 

Available tracking options implemented include:

  • Track Beasts
  • Track Humanoids: Hunter
  • Track Undead
  • Track Hidden
  • Track Elementals
  • Track Demons
  • Track Giants
  • Track Dragonkin
  • Track Humanoids: Druid
  • Sense Demons
  • Sense Undead
  • Find Herbs
  • Find Minerals
  • Find Treasure