


Simple experience and reputation plugin for your DataBroker display.

If you are below the maximum level, Progress will show your experience. If you are at the maximum level, Progress will show your reputation with your currently watched faction.

Mouse over the plugin for more details. Click the plugin to open the Blizzard reputation panel. There are no options.

Language Support

Works in all languages. Translated into English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Português, Русский, and 简体中文. To add or update translations for any locale, enter them on the Progress localization page on CurseForge, and then send me a PM to let me know you’ve made changes.


Post a comment on WoWInterface. If you are reporting a bug, please first make sure you have the latest version from this page, and then include detailed instructions I can follow to reproduce the bug myself, whether the bug still happens when all other addons are disabled, and the exact text of the accompanying error message (if any).