Arena Calculator


Arena Calculator v1.6.3


  • Show how many arena points you will earn for each of your teams.
  • Show how many arena points you will have in total after the next update.
  • Enter a desired arena rating to see how many arena points you would get with such rating. Available in the ACalc frame.
  • Enter a desired amount of arena points to see how high rating you would need to obtain that. Available in the ACalc frame.
  • Sort your arena teams in any way you want. (Disabled for now, might come back later)
  • Optional recoloring in the PVP frame.
  • Display total honor points (current amount + todays estimated amount) in the PVP frame.
  • Display personal arena rating in the PVP frame.

Recoloring will give a slight green color to the team you will gain points from, or if you won't gain any points from any team it will give the total arena points a red color.

Comments and ideas are welcome!