Project 6098


Configure the AddOn to your preferences just once and it will help you divide marks amongst your party- and raidmembers every time you group up, entirely automatic. It doesn't only register if the CC is available in your group, but it also assigns a temporary mark for when there're two players who can 'cast' the same CC (e.g. two mages, two sheeps). Mind that you still have to put up the actual marks on the mobs yourself!

Default configuration (in kill-order):
- Star: sap
- Square: trap
- Diamond: shackle
- Moon: polymorph
- Circle: hibernate

Registered CC abilities:
- Sap (Rogue)
- Trap (Hunter)
- Polymorph (Mage)
- Shackle (Priest)
- Mindcontrol (Priest)
- Hibernate (Druid)
- Seduce (Warlock)
- Banish (Warlock)

MarkMe available commands:
- /markme help <command>
Shows specific help on a command, or general help is no command was supplied.
- /markme assign <cc> [_auto||<player>] [_triangle||<mark>]
Will assign the supplied <cc> to a player. If 'auto' or no player was given, the player will be automatically chosen.
- /markme move <mark> to <mark> [_||copy]
Will move the assigns on mark1 to mark2, losing the settings on mark2. If you supply 'copy', it will swap the two instead.
- /markme tank <player> [_skull||<mark>]
Will assign a tank mark for the specified player. Not supplying a mark will chose skull by default.
- /markme offtank <player> [_cross||<mark>]
Will assign an offtank mark for the specified player. Not supplying a mark will chose cross by default.
- /markme clear [_||all||<mark>]
Will clear the marks from their assigned players. Supply the 'all' to erase the marks from their CC as well. If you chose to supply a mark instead, only that mark will be cleared.
- /markme divide
Will divide all undivided marks to the players able to cast the specified CC of the mark. Automatically called if your group changes!
- /markme fill
Will temporarily (until re-divide) assign a mark to the players in the party/raid that have CC abilities without a mark. To be used after /markme divide, usually.
- /markme show [_||w||g||raw]
Shows the settings of the marks. Not supplying a method will report it to you only, using a 'w' will whisper everyone their own marks, using a 'g' will report it to party/raid. Raw is a raw output so you can check mark/CC combo's.
- /markme order <mark> [_||<mark>] [_||<mark>] (etc.)
Sets the order in which the marked creatures should be killed. First mentioned mark first, last mentioned mark last.

In the explanations, symbols are used to allow easier setup. A word in between < and > is supposed to be replaced by the thing it represents. Words between [ and ], possibly divided by the OR separator || represent an optional choice. The default choice within optionality brackets will be prefixed by an underscore.