


ProspectORE, inspired by an old addon titled Ore Crusher, allows you to calculate how valuable prospecting ore currently is.

Scan the Auction House, input how much of each type of ore you would like to prospect, and given the current prices at the time of the scan, the addon will estimate how much gold one could expect as a return.


  • Built-in Auction House scanner.
  • Manual input for experienced users.
  • Ability to pull data from TSM-AuctionDB, Auctioneer, and Auctionator.
  • Estimates the quantity of Gem(s) to expect.
  • Estimates the time it will take to carry out.
  • Detailed revenue report.
  • Recommends actions for those just starting out.
  • Calculate cost, income, and overall profit.

ProspectORE Command List
/ore or /prospect - Toggles Addon Display
/ore help or /prospect help - Display command list.
/ore reset or /prospect reset - Sets all prices to 0. (No confirmation)
/ore sync or /prosect sync - Open database synchronization menu.