


PvPEncounters will track every victory and defeat in ranked matches with every single of your party members and the enemy team.

When people later on queue one of your Premade Groups you will be able to see in their tooltip the Encounters outputs.

This allows you to avoid queuing up with someone you are unable to synergize with and on the other side queue with people you win a lot.

How does this works:
We monitor the UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS event, this event is used when you are queuing, joining, winning/losing a PVP match.
When that event trigger we look if there is a timer before the instance shutdown, if so we get the winning team and for each member of your party/raid we save a defeat or victory for the corresponding match type (battleground/arena) if the match was ranked.

We modify slightly the tooltip from the LFG premade groups applicant in order to add how much time you won/lost a battleground/arena with that player, if you have never played with this player a "---" grayed out will be shown and to make it even easier, when you are winning it show in green and loosing with show in red!

And that's about it, hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do, feel free to comment if you would like improvements or if you see any bug while using it.