Quartz: Power Bar

Quartz: Power Bar


This module will add the option to show a quartz-bar which will show your secondary power depending on class and spec. It fades out "out of combat" by default (change in options).

Since Version 0.7 one of the two bars shows remaining Inquisition time (Pala Retribution) and Dark Infusion stacks (Unholy DK)

Working for all classes incl Monk Class, examples are

  • Warlock (Embers, Demonic Fury, Shards)
  • Rogue (Combo Points)
  • Monk (Chi)
  • Paladin (Holy Power, Inquisition)
  • Priest (Shadow Orb)
  • Death Knight (Vengeance, Rune Power, Dark Infusion)
  • Druid (Balance)
  • Shaman (Maelstrom)
  • ...

There is an option to show primary power (most likely Mana) in the Options. It will show a small bar above the secondary power bar.

Let me know if you have any wishes for primary/secondary power combinations for shaman. Druid is only tested for Balance druids (credits go to tornado2835).