Quest Item BAR Shadowlands

Quest Item BAR Shadowlands


About Quest Item Bar Shadowlands

Creates a movable bar with buttons for the quest items you possess or items you need to monitor

It facilitate quest item management and game items quantity  management  by viewing how much of items you have on bar which could be useful for farming material and knowing how much you got on the fly


Show all or only usable quest items.

Ability to Lock bar , Hide it

Ability to key bind quest item usage - Defaulted to "ALT+Q"

Displays if a item starts a new quest.

Display quest name and objective status in tooltip if information found.


Open a configuration dialog using the commands "/qib config" or the standard interface -> addons menu.

Configuration can be done using commands too. /qib <command>. Write /qib to show available commands.

Change the direction of bar by right clicking on the anchor.