Quest Out Loud

Quest Out Loud


Quest Out Loud is for all those busy folks out there who want to follow the narrative hidden behind walls of quest text but don't have time to sit and read the text themselves. Instead, why not have an addon read it for you? Expert voice acting creates an immersive play experience without the need to read the text yourself, allowing you to get on with your questing and still enjoy the story. It's also great for folks with visual disabilities or reading difficulties!

Current Content

What follows is a list of all official voice packs for Quest Out Loud:

  • Exile's Reach
  • Shadowlands (In Progress)
  • Eastern Kingdoms (In Progress)

Addon in Progress

The primary functionality for this addon is complete, though more features are planned. However, what will take most time is content. Content for this addon will be released in voice packs based on questing zones, so that users will not need to download a massive number of voice files for areas they are not currently questing in.

Creating Voice Packs

Anyone can create voice packs for Quest Out Loud and upload them to any addon distribution website. Take a look at the official packs for an example of how to create a voice pack. These voice packs work as separate addons dependent on the base Quest Out Loud addon.

Known Issues

  • Sometimes plays audio over the top of existing voice dialogue. No known workaround for this currently - I can't detect when NPCs are speaking.
  • No way to truly "pause" playback - this is a limitation on Blizzard's end when playing custom sound files.