Quest Stash

Quest Stash


Quest Stash automatically hides watched quests when a KeyStone Mythic+ starts, then restores them when the run is over.

You can also do this manually (hide watched quests and restore them) as you need. (commands listed bellow)


Quest Stash Commands [/qstash command]:  all - Adds all quests in questlog to watched quests

  •   hide - Hides all watched quests
  •   show - Shows all hidden watched quests
  •   save - Saves current watched quests
  •   on - Activates automatic mode (hides on mythic key start and shows when it is over)
  •   off - Disables automatic mode
  •   reset - Clears saved list
  •   status - Shows current status (Active, Inactive)
  •   all - Adds all quests to watched quests
  •   help - Shows help

Just typing /qstash without commands will hide or show depending on current state