


QuestGuru is a Quest Log Enhancer.

 If you are looking for the "Classic" version of QuestGuru click HERE

I have split off QuestGuru and QuestGuru Sounds into two separate addons that don't rely on each other so that the community that really missed the sounds can have them with me delaying them because of the qork being done on QuestGuru. I hope this makes at least some people happy.

You can find QuestGuru Sounds HERE

Note: If you like this addon, please "Like it" on
All Donations support me and I thank you in advance for it. 

Features include:

  • Enhanced 2 page quest display in the log
  • Patch 6.0 broke QuestGuru, so this is a completely different monster
  • Conforms to the WOD map quest log (Tooltips for quests and icons showing quest status)
  • Added full time quest level in front of quest name and tooltips.

For those who are missing the Quest Tracker of QuestGuru, try Kaliel's Tracker 

I have been using it for a long while and is not half bad  :)


  • Will try and revamp the quest tracker as I love it also. But wanted to get the Log out ASAP.
  • Try to bring back the other features of the old QuestGuru (Sounds, announcements, etc.)
  • Need to make a in-game config window, still a work in progress.



Q. How do I post a Bug Report?

  • A1 - Click on QuestGuru Go to the AddOn and on the right side there is a selection called "Bugs" click on that. You will need to be signed in to WoW Interface to create a bug report.
  • A2 - Or file a ticket on QuestGuru@CurseForge
  • Note:
  • Please include the version of QuestGuru you are using and copy/paste the error message you receive. 
  • Please describe what you were doing when the error happened. This will help tremendously.

Q. How do I turn on auto-tracking of quests?

  • A - Look in the options for the game itself, not QuestGuru. Under Objectives there are options to set when to track quests.
  • QuestGuru does not duplicate these settings in its own options as it could become problematic and it is not necessary to duplicate options already available.

Q. Where can I find a version compatible with WoW patch x?

  • A. QuestGuru is supported for the current Expansion and Patch level running on the live servers. PTR versions may be supported as Alpha or Beta releases, but I offer no guarantee.