



Are you doing same daily quests every day? Are you leveling another alt and you know all quests in game? You don't need read quests, you just want click and go? Bored to still Accept and Finish up quests? Quest-o-matic can do some work for you.

Quest-o-matic is small addon which can auto accept and auto finish quests for you:

  • auto accepting quests
  • auto skipping "greetings" text by NPC
  • auto accpet escort quests (disabled by default)
  • auto accept daily quests only (optional)
  • not accept PvP quests (optional)
  • auto turn in quests (only if there is no more then one reward)
  • temporary disable "auto" functions by holding modifier key (configurable)
  • show quest levels in quest log
  • minimap/broker support

Quest-o-matic supports LDB display addons like ChocolateBar, Bazooka etc. Question mark on your bar means that the addon is enabled, exclamation point means it is disabled. Left click changes the state of the addon, right click opens the settings. If you have no LDB display addon, you can still have minimap icon with same functionality.

Quest-o-matic Config and commands

There is two ways to config Quest-o-matic. Config dialog - press ESC > Interface > AddOns > Quest-o-matic, or chat commands:

    /qm - Show Settings
    /qm toggle - Enable/Disable Quest-o-matic
    /qm accept - Enable/Disable auto quest accepting
    /qm dailiesonly - Enable/Disable auto accepting for daily quests only
    /qm pvp - Enable/Disable auto accepting for pvp quests
    /qm greeting - Enable/Disable NPCs greetings skip for one or more quests
    /qm escort - Enable/Disable auto escort accepting
    /qm complete - Enable/Disable auto quest complete
    /qm inraid - Enable/Disable auto accepting quests in raid
    /qm questlevels - Show/Hide quest levels in quest log
    /qm config - Open configuration

You can use /qom command too

Quest-o-matic limitations / issues / to-do

  • not possible to check quest level before accepting, then QOM will never have "Don't accept low level quests" option (for now)
  • not possible to check PvP quest before accepting, only if quest flags PvP. There is option for PvP flag quests, but this doesn't work for normal PvP quests

Please report all bugs and feature requests to Github tracker