Queue Timer

Queue Timer


Queue Timer

A customisable timer bar to display the estimated time remaining in a battleground, dungeon, raid or scenario queue. Please note the times are based on Blizzard's estimates and may not be 100% accurate.


Localised for all current WoW locales. If you'd like to help translate Queue Timer into your own language, please visit

What is does

When you enter a battleground, dungeon, raid or scenario queue, Queue Timer will display the time remaining in the queue in the form of bar, similar to a health bar which can be postioned anywhere you like in your UI.


The following customisations can be made to Queue Timer via the interface options screen, right clicking on the bar or by using slash commands:

  • Horizontal or vertical bar
  • Bar colour, transparency and texture
  • Bar width and height
  • Background colour and transparency
  • Enable/disable text display
  • Text can be positioned anywhere
  • Font colour, transparency, face and size

Slash commands

/qt or /queuetimer opens the options screen

Bug Reports / Feature Requests

Please post all bugs or requests using the CurseForge ticker tracker at: