


This addon was designed to help you join carry groups for Mythic+ Keystones or raid groups quickly using the premade group finder. This latest version has a UI!!!

/qg or /QG will now open the main window of the addon.

A window will be shown to select a role that you will queue as and a mode the addon should be set to.

Keystone / Mythic+ will send the current key in your bag to the leader of the group.

Raid / Achievement will send an achievement to the leader of the group. This can be customized using the buttons on the right. If you don't see the achievement that you want to send to the leader, open your achievement window, mouse over the achievement and type /qg id This will set the achievement you link to the one currently under your mouse.

No Whisper will not send a whisper to the group leader and can be used for quickly joining groups without having to click too much.

Once you have your role and mode setup, (I suggest making a macro) type ' /qg join ' (without the '' of course) while moused over the group that you wish to join. It will handle the rest. Apply to the group for the roles you requested and send the leader a whisper depending on the mode you selected.

That's all there is to it now, simple, quick and effective. If you have any questions, compliments, concerns, please leave a note below and I will work to fix it for you or respond!