

...is an addon which will create a global macro that will automatically place 'use' quest items into itself when you mouseover or target a quest mob that requires that item, reducing your bag searching time and quest log tracking. Simply open your macros menu and look for the QQI_MACRO in your global macros and place on your bars.

New Features!

  • '/qqi' 'add' 'itemname, itemlink or itemid' - Adds and item to the addon's ignore list.
  • '/qqi' 'remove' 'itemname, itemlink or itemid' - Removes the item from the addon's ignore list.
  • '/qqi' 'list' - Displays the currently ignored items.

This is still a work in progress and I hope to improve this addon and add these possible features:

  • Create a way to detect recently used quest items that do not match the QQI_DB.itemlist.
  • Use the isDaily parameter to watch for zone changes and detect 'use' items in various zones.
  • Customizable target parameters for the macro.