Quiet Stable Master

Quiet Stable Master


This addon was created for personal use to remove the Stable Master's confirmations for healing battle pets. I don't know why this needs to exist especially when the cost is only ten silver.

Video demo: https://vid.me/0lUN

English and German supported. If you'd like support for your language, please post a comment using the following template:

  • Selection Text: "Ich würde gern meine Kampfhaustiere heilen und wiederbeleben."
  • Confirmation Text: "Es wird eine kleine Gebühr für die medizinische Hilfe erhoben."
  • Language: deDE - German (See supported languages)

Supported languages:

  • deDE - German
  • enGB - British English
  • enUS - American English
  • esES - Spanish (European)
  • esMX - Spanish (Latin American)
  • frFR - French
  • koKR - Korean
  • ruRU - Russian
  • zhCN - Chinese (simplified; mainland China)
  • zhTW - Chinese (traditional; Taiwan)

Known issue: You must stay logged in more than 3 minutes for the addon to work. Otherwise known as the "Sorry, I have to mend a leg on a Baby Dragon" annoyance, this response was designed by Blizzard to prevent players from alt-hopping and healing pets. The addon is unable to work around this limitation.

Huge shoutout to Phanx for the scripting.