


This is a reboot of the popular RageBar add-on that was last updated in 2016.  Original credit goes to By Navy, EU Dalaran.

Rewritten and updated for the current version of WoW.

Added resources to show Combo Points, Runes, Arcane Charges, Holy Power and Shards.

The version 1 original just gave Warrior Rage indication, but has been vastly expanded to include all classes.  What makes this Add-On unique is that it not only gives you a graphical, movable bar (so that it can be in your eye-sight) it also gives you the power numbers to know exactly where you stand.

Completely customizable, you can choose to show which bars you want, and when.

/rb /rb2 /ragebar /ragebar2 to bring up the Add-On's configurator.

Feedback and requests welcome.