Raid Command

Raid Command

Config Panel

Config Panel

This is the config panel. Here, you'll choose the classes to be included with AutoFill, plus other options such as showing minimap button, including "end of broadcast" indicator, including "Auto-Reply Assignment" instructions, etc.
Assignment: No Phases

Assignment: No Phases

An example assignment without phases. Note that the phase titles aren't even shown unless they're needed. Also note that Sallynoshow is in red, signifying she's not in the raid. Runner's class mark shows he's an exception that was manually assigned.
Assignment Broadcast

Assignment Broadcast

Here is the broadcast from the Assignment with phases picture. This assignment was sent to a custom channel. Note the phases are clearly designated, and use the custom titles!
Whispered Assigment

Whispered Assigment

Here is that same assignment, from the perspective of one of the assigned. This time, it was sent as a whisper. Note that whispered assignments are concisely displayed, but still contain phase indicators.
Assignment: With Phases

Assignment: With Phases

Here, the "Enable Phases" box is checked, activating the fully customizable phase titles. Any filled in title indicates a new phase Leave the title blank to include that column as an additional assignment without starting a new phase.