Raid Rolls

Raid Rolls


Raid Rolls

Raid Rolls is a free and open-source addon for World of Warcraft (both Retail and Classic).

Records /rolls of your raid/party members to simplify items distribution (e.g. in Vault of Archavon - VOA).


  • Rollers are sorted in descending order by their rolls.
  • Shows roller's class (can they equip the item) and raid group number (simplifies item distribution).
  • Saying pass in group channels is treated as rolling zero.
  • Right-mouse clicking on the addon window erases all rolls (the same as /rr reset).
  • Cheese counters:

    If the player rolled multiple times, the value si marked in red. It is not ignored in case you forgot to reset the previous roll session.

    Only rolls from the default interval 1-100 are counted (e.g. /roll 99-100 is ignored regardless of the rolled value).

  • (pre Personal Loot) If you are a group leader and Master Looter is not selected, notification is shown.


Copy RaidRolls folder into your client (e.g. \World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns).
Then click AddOns button in champion select where you can toggle the addon on or off.

Slash Commands

Cmds start by /raidrolls or equivalently by /rr.

  • /rr List commands.
  • /rr show / hide / toggle GUI visibility.
  • /rr help Show all slash commands.
  • /rr reset Erase all rolls (or right-click the window).
  • /rr resize percentage Change the width to percentage of default.

    Minimal accepted value is 100 (default)

    • Omitting the percentage parameter resets the width.

  • rr test fill / solo Fill in artificial rolls / allow use out of a group (until /reload).

Licence & compliance

  • Raid Rolls addon is licensed under the MIT licence.
  • Icon pair-of-dice.png is sourced from under the following licence:
Licencing! Pair of dice PNG icons - The pictures are free for personal and even for commercial use.<br />You can modify, copy and distribute the vectors on Pair of dice in<br />All without asking for permission or setting a link to the source. So, attribution is not required.

Feel free to comment, share ideas or report bugs.