Raid Profiles Switcher Fix (fixes broken raid profile auto-activate feature)
RaidSwitcherFix tries to fix the problem where the "Auto-Activate on" option in Blizzard's raid profiles doesn't work properly (doesn't automatically activate when you would expect it to).
The addon checks if we should activate a new raid profile when:
    1. Joining a group/raid
    2. The number of group members change.
It uses the Blizzard's default raid profile interface to detect which profile we should activate.
    - Debug mode lets you see detailed information on how the addon activates a raid profile
     - /rsf, checks if we should activate a new raid profile
     - /RaidSwitcherFix, opens settings panel
Using embedded version of FixRaidTaint by Ketho17 to fix the annoying issue where raid frames bugs out (
ONLY TESTED ON WOTLK CLASSIC, might work on vanilla, but most probably broken in retail
If you want to modify this addon/fix bugs, FEEL FREE TO EDIT AND REUPLOAD IT AS YOU SEE FIT! (or contact me and I can add you as a member to this project)