


This addon increases the range of the slider for the Height and Width of the Default Raid Frames so you can make the default raid frames larger, or smaller (which also makes it a nearly useful addon for the default UI).

This Addon does work with Blizzard Raid Frame Indicators and other default raid frame enhancements.

I am taking feature recommendations that suite this addons purpose (no sorting feature requests please)

This addon is inspired by a necro'd thread off the would of warcraft UI and Macro forums and the need for the ability to make the default raid frames even more resizable.

If you would rather not use an addon for this purpose you can use this macro:
/run local n,w,h="CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrame" h,w=_G[n.."HeightSlider"],_G[n.."WidthSlider"] h:SetMinMaxValues(1,150) w:SetMinMaxValues(1,150)