RaidMobMarker HUD

RaidMobMarker HUD


RaidMobMarkerHUD is a standalone addon of RaidMobMarker.

The HUD provides a circular window for one-click marking.
To display it, use the assigned key (see WoW's keybinding options) or the slash command.

Current dev status:

active - semi-active - pending - inactive

  • ...maintaining...

How to use

To mark a target with a raid symbol,
target the unit, hold down the assigned button
hold down the assigned button and target a unit.
'''Left-click''' a symbol and your current target will be marked with it.
To unmark the current target simply '''right-click''' on a symbol.
''While holding down the button, the HUD will re-show when you change your target.''

Slash commands

  • /rmmhud
  • /rmmhud show shows/hides the HUD (for use with macros)
  • /rmmhud help displays advanced information

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