RaidRolls+ is a lightweight addon developed for Raid Leaders that are running MS>OS +1. In this setup most RL’s are having to keep a spreadsheet of the loot distributed. This is no longer needed. With RaidRolls+ you will have an in game solution that tracks rolls for MS or OS separately. You can choose to run this along the side of normal Blizz windows or allow it to distribute loot with the click of a button on the winner. There is even an option to go hands off and let RaidRolls+ chose the winner and distribute the loot. The only thing you must do is leave the loot bag open until the countdown is over.
This addon is currently in BETA. Join the discord to get help and support.
How it works
Raid starts and MasterLooter is set. Points should be zero and loot should be empty. If not, you haven't reset yet.
Clicking on a Toon in this list assigns them as the DE toon and the name goes red.
Loot drops. RaidRolls+ Announces the loot. When ML clicks the item in the bag rolls start and are sorted by Point Priority - MS > OS, Points Apply to MS or OS
After adding a +1 to Doomzlife with the 90 roll, loot can be sent to Doomzlife and you will see it in the loot screen and points screen...
- Auto Activate when MasterLoot Activated - Pops up Points screen when ML is activated.
- Wipe Points when group set to MasterLoot - Wipes the point database when ML is set. Be careful, on some disconnects, when you reconnect it will wipe your database. (May remove in the future).
- Let RaidRolls+ distribute loot - When clicking the +1 or +2 in the rolls screen, this will send the loot to the toon you assigned points to.
- Hide Blizzard ML Screen - Use this in conjunction with the above so you don't have to look at the Blizz ML screen.
- Let RaidRolls+ AUTO Loot - RaidRolls + picks the winner at the end of the roll, distributes the loot, and adds 1 point to the player. If player is out of range a re-roll is required.
- Only allow point adjustments to Players currently in Raid - Setting that stops from adjusting points to players not in raid. Can use when loading fake raid data and testing.
- Popup message to ML on rolls - This will give you a Blizz popup message when someone rolls, only use for testing.
- Print debugging messages - This is really only useful for me while developing.
- String to use when rolling starts - Prepended to the loot link with this string. It will auto send when rolling begins.
- String to use when rolling end - Prepended to the loot link with this string when rolling ends.
- Main Spec roll Range - If set to 100 regular /roll gets picked up as a Main Spec roll.
- Announce MS Points @ Roll - When someone rolls MS it will announce their current MS points.
- Off Spec roll Range - If set to 90 /roll 99 gets picked up as a Off Spec roll.
- Announce OS Points @ Roll - When someone rolls OS it will announce their current OS points.
- Roll Timer - This is the countdown that starts when you open rolls.
- Block Rolls outside of timer - This will not allow any rolls unless the timer is running. Warning will be sent that the roll is ignored.
Current Features:
1 - Announce loot at or above uncommon quality at the point of opening loot (like MRT does (will update to announce at quality set on ML)) v1.01
2 - Sends loot (hides Blizzard ML window) when adding points (Settings in options) v1.01
3 - Added settings for points to count as OS if rolled /99 and points applied v1.02
4 - Removed Loot window where you have to click "Roll It". When you click on a ML item in the loot bag, it immediately announces rolling started and rolls window pops up. v1.02
5 - Added DE button to Rolls screen. Will loot to ML and assign no points. v1.02
6 - Syncing from ML to others with addon, so if a person joins later, their display will show the correct points. v1.03
8 - Ignores duplicate rolls from same toon v1.03
9 - Assign DE toon. While ML, click a toon in the points screen. Toon will be blue. (need to add sync for this) v1.04
10 - Hands off looting - Auto Loot setting in options. If toon who won is out of range, re-roll is required v1.04
11 - Check for "manual" looting, if winner is out of range you can assign it to next closest winner, without re-roll v1.04
12 - Loot Roll Timer. Settings to block rolls outside of timer. v1.04
13 - Sort Rolls Screen based on roll / point prio. v1.04
v1.25 changes
* Fixed always centering Roll action frame.
* Updated Rolls table.
* Created rollsHistory table.
* Created pointsHistory table.
* Created Import/Export functionality for Loot Distributed Frames.
v1.24 changes
* Fixed button LUA errors as raid ends.
v1.23 changes
* Redesigned Rolls Screen.
* Added Roll Interface if other users have the addon.
* Added FastLoot trade timers.
* Added Right Click and Drag to resize Points and Loot Distributed screens.
* Added Alt Right Click in Bag to start rolls.
* Fixed error when swapping ML during raid.
v1.22 changes
* Reworking multiple tables and functions for better handling.
* Fixed LUA errors with certain buttons, when using in select situations.
* Added prefix setting for Roll Countdown.
* Added DS Roll Ranges.
* Fixed icons for non-ML watching rolls.
v1.21 changes
* Rewrite multiple functions and tables due to API changes in 3.4.1.
v1.20 changes
* Fix LUA error from 3.4.1 updating how textures need to be created.
v1.19 changes
* Updated Encounter name for Fast Loot
* Fixed issue if ML doesn't update DE toon for a run
v1.18 changes
* Updated icons for users no longer in raid
* Added base iLvl to announce screen when loot drops.
* Updates to tables for easier export.
* Fixed Auto Distribute to send to DE if no one rolls.
v1.162 + v1.173 changes
* Quick fix for LUA error from users rolling and leaving raid.
v1.171 changes
* Added faster syncing comms (option to fall back if there are issues.)
* Added the option to use Auto Distribute with Fast Loot.
v1.16 changes
* Fixed LUA error on icons, when old data was present.
* Minimap icon
* TitanPanel Integration
* ElvUI Integration
v1.15 changes
* Fixed spamming twice at the start of roll.
* Fixed out of range error when using Auto Distribute.
* Popups for upgrades to show changelog.
* Full changelog in options
* Fast Loot (new option tab)
v1.14.2b changes
* Wipe points databases on upgrade to fix to LUA error unpacking icons.
v1.14 changes
* Fix to LUA error when using SR.
* Updated where Incompatibles are stored and the messaging.
* Added starting number of range for OS.
* Saving loot, so Announce only happens first time opening loot bag.
v1.13 changes
* Verified working in 3.4.1
* Added class icons to the points and rolls screens
* Added option for countdown to use RW or regular Raid chat.
* Fixed spamming if using differfent version - message only goes to ML showing user on different version.
* Added SoftRes functions. New Options Tab - Check it out!
* Added Gargul to incompatible due to auto loot feature.
v1.12 changes
* Fixed LUA error if Distribute Loot was active and Hide Blizz ML Screeen was not active.
v1.11 changes
* Fix plus1 buttons.
v1.09 changes
* Fixed LUA error if you have the rolls database not clear when logging or reloading
* Logging DE loot
* Announce button for DE only, allows ML or DE toon to Announce
* New option in Announce - Announce Countdown every X seconds
* New option in Announce - Force Countdown on the last X seconds
v1.08 changes
* Rearranged options panel
* Added option to not Announce Loot when opening bag
* Set Announce Loot to only announce based off the ML Threshold Set
* New Option to Allow Monitoring of Rolls for NON Master Looter
* Added option to not countdown the Roll Timer
* Fixed a sorting issue in the Rolls Screen
v1.07 changes
* Moving to Release after multiple successful beta tests.
v1.06 changes
* Updated how GiveLoot works. No more looping through the bag. This fixes the issue with 2 pieces of the same loot on a boss
* Fixed syncing issues where messages are being throttled between ML and other clients. New sync window to let the ML know if resyncing is happening. Put a .85 second throttle on each message if over 5 pieces of loot. This was the delay that never missed. Also changed to only sync if there is a client running that doesn't match with the ML at Group Change.
Known as Roll + 1 | RaidRolls | RaidRolls+1 | Raid +1 | RaidRoll | RaidRolls