RSC is a separate stand-alone addon of PhoenixStyle.
Potions check - shows who uses potions in a raid and who doesn't, also tracks pre-poting and who uses Healthstones (saves last 12 fights, to change it: /script rscpotionscombatsaves=12 - any number between 3 and 25).
Flask check - shows who has no flask or food buff (automatic check!)
Buffs after rebirth - check buffs in combat after rebirth (doesn't work with Reinc - haven't found any API to detect it yet)
Other - Announce when someone drops food feast, healthstone or flask`s cauldron, repair bot (disabled by default)
To open menu: /rsc , /slack , /raidslackcheck or /слак
or use PhoenixStyle menu.
Found bug? Have some suggestions? Post on a addon's forum!
To report using macro, choose which report you need and make a macro!
/script rscrepnopot() - 0 potions last fight
/script rscrepnopot2() - who used potions, last fight
/script rscrepnortafretcom1() - who used potions, BEFORE fight
/script rscrepnortafretcom2() - 0 potions BEFORE fight
/script rscsendflaskmanual() - report who has NO flask/food buff
/script rscwhousedhsreport() - who used Healthstones
/script rscwhousedhsreport2() - who didn't use Healthstones
- you can set chat channel, example: rscrepnopot("guild")
/script rscTimoutReportsInSec = 50 - timeout between reports, so it doesn't spam much.
/script rscDoNotReportOldFlasks=1 - do not report old flasks
Localization (need your help!):
Add your translations or english corrections here
If you want to copy this addon on your site or post the spotlight - please, use next links: - always returns last version - addon's description