


General information

An addon who parse the quest progress into the 'party' chat if you are in a party. Otherwise it will parse the quest progress in the 'say' chat. Also it shows a message if you complete a quest. This addon is based on the FastQuest Classic. However I wrote the addon myself without using any of the FastQuest code.

I've recently decided to update this addon. Just to see if I could get this addon working again. This leaded to the release of version 0.5. I've rewrited the whole code to make it easier to understand and to work better.

The following things are on my todo list:

  • Add the possibility to write in the guild or raid chat aswell.


/ralpb           Shows the author
/ralpb version   Shows the version of RalpbQuest
/ralpb reloadui  Reload the user inferface
/ralpb enable    Enables or Disables the notification of the quest progress

/ralpb party     Parse the progression in the party chat
/ralpb say       Parse the progression in the say chat