This addon still remains under construction.
What will it do?
Provide the user with a frame to enter and edit the settings of an addon wich will spam 1 randomly selected line in /2 Trade from all the lines that you entered every xx seconds. For example I have 3 things I want to advertise.
- <Two Steps From Hell> Saurfangs finest PvP Guild. For more info check WoW EU Realm forums.
- Making all your glyphs for 25g each glyph. How to make an order? Make a list of all the glyphs you want, sent in through ingame mail and find your order in you mailbox (C.O.D) within 24 hours. Got all the recipes.
- Buying [Book of Glyph Mastery] for 500g. C.O.D me!
The addon will randomly select on of these lines and spam it once in /2 Trade. After xx seconds the addon will again select a random line and do the same thing.