Estimated range display. Type /rangedisplay for configuration or /rangedisplay locked to lock/unlock the frames.
RangeDisplay is a simple range display addon. It is using spell range, item range and interact-distance based checks to determine the approximate range to your current target. Due to the whackyness of interact-distance based checks, recent versions only use those when spell/item based checks are not possible . The display can be configured in many ways (displaying only the max range, adding border and background, etc).
Currently you can set up RangeDisplay to show your current range to your _target_, _focus_, pet and mouseover units. The mouseover unit range can be anchored to the mouse or placed at a fixed position.
New in v3.8.0: It is possible to add sound notifications to "range sections" (similar to color setting). The sound will be played when entering the section. If two sections have the same sound file attached to them, then the sound is not played again if switching between the two sections.
This sound notification is enabled by default for the target unit's close range section.
Displaying max range only: if you want to display only the maxRange, you need to set Text to "%d" and tick the Reverse option for the section(s).