[Wrath] Classic conditional checks are misplaced
Road-block opened this issue ยท 2 comments
The IsClassic check at the top of the RangeDisplay.lua file is used to separate mainline WoW from all the Classic flavors (Vanilla through BC to Wrath)
It is then used to exclude the focus unit and the arena2-5 units for all classic flavors.
This is wrong for BC Classic (where focus unit exists but is irrelevant as BC Classic clients no longer exist as a live game) and doubly wrong for Wrath Classic where both focus and arena1-5 units exist as valid unitids
Instead I would suggest that the variable is replaced with.
and at the relevant spots have
if IsMainline or IsWrath then
local fu = {
unit = "focus",
name = L["focus"],
tinsert(units, fu)
if (IsMainline or IsWrath) and self.db.global.enableArena and not arenaUnits then
arenaUnits = {}
tinsert(arenaUnits, arenaMasterUnit)
tinsert(units, arenaMasterUnit)
for i = 2, 5 do
local au = {
unit = ("arena%d"):format(i),
name = L["arena%d"]:format(i),
tinsert(arenaUnits, au)
tinsert(units, au)
This will keep mastery realms where focus/arena do not exist excluded while preserve the functionality for Wrath Classic & Mainline WoW.
I don't know if you're checking curseforge tickets so I'll cross reference a related issue for LibRangeCheck-2.0 here: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/librangecheck-2-0/issues/18
and do the same for this issue on the curseforge one for the library.