Rap Sheet

Rap Sheet


Provides a quick inspection of a character while mousing over their nameplate. Will display how often a user "Need" rolls on loot, with a count of how many rolls they have needed on, and percentage of total rolls. When pressing Ctrl, it will show additional data such as:

  • Need vs Greed percentages Need shows by default
  • Number of respecs
  • User dual-spec (yes/no)
  • Number of HK's on toon inspected
  • Battlegrounds played
  • Arena wins
  • Arena scores (2, 3 and 5 personal / 2 and 3 teams)
  • Raid kill counts for end bosses (Xavius / Helya / Gul'dan / Kil'Jaeden)
  • Account wide level 110, and date earned
  • Account wide Xavius kill, and date earned
  • Account wide Mythic Xavius kill, and date earned
  • Account wide Helya kill, and date earned
  • Account wide Mythic Helya kill, and date earned
  • Account wide Gul'dan kill, and date earned
  • Account wide Mythic Gul'dan kill, and date earned
  • Account wide Kil'Jaeden kill, and date earned
  • Account wide Mythic Kil'Jaeden kill, and date earned
  • Account wide Argus kill, and date earned
  • Account wide Mythic Argus kill, and date earned

Account wide Xavius, Helya, Gul'dan, Kil'Jaeden and Argus dates are for any kill in LFR, Norm or Heroic on any toon in users account; only Mythic is tracked separately by Blizzard and credit for this kill is also based on any toon in the user's account. Mythic kill date may be Heroic date, as Blizzard created the achievement to reflect "Heroic or higher". This does not affect the kill count numbers, which still reflect the actual times a toon has killed a boss.

This information can be used by party/raid leads in deciding which loot method to use when dealing with users who have high-need numbers. Other data can help in determining a users suitability for a particular raid or event by verifying user achievements.

This data is provided by API calls from Warcraft data and uses no external sources.