Welcome to RareCoordinator
The main purpose of this addon is to keep track of the rare spawns on the Timeless Isle.
See this ticket for Tanaan Jungle updates: http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/rarecoordinator/tickets/85-support-tanaan-jungle/#comments
Please create a ticket for bugs / enhancement ideas: Ticket tracker
Also check the FAQ/Known Issues list
If you like the addon, please donate to support development:
- Only visible on the Timeless Isle
- Communicates with everyone of your faction on your realm to keep the data updated
- As soon as you get on the Isle it will update itself
- When you get a "rare alive" message a sound message will inform you
- If you have TomTom installed an Arrow will guide you to the rare
- Click on the "alive" message to announce the rare spawn in the General Chat
Where does it get the data?
- As soon as you or someone on your faction with the addon target a rare mob the addon updates the "last seen" message
- If a rare mob is killed and anyone with the addon is near, the "last killed" message gets updated
ToDo List
- none atm