Raven Loot Attendance


This addon requires Raven Loot.

Raven Loot Attendance manages a custom, point-based attendance system. The system works as follows:

  • Being available for a raid awards you 1 point.
  • Points will expire 9 raids after being earned. You can thus have at most 9 points.
  • Being available for 6 raids in a row will award you with a backup-point. A backup-point will allow you to miss a raid and still receive a point, but the backup-point will be consumed. The backup-points will be automatically retroactively consumed the first raid a player is back from absence. At most 6 backup-points can be stored.
  • Your amount of points will be used to scale itemScore (score assigned by Raven Loot to a piece of loot) as follows: "finalScore = itemScore * (0.5 + 0.5 * points / 9 )". This means that you'll always receive 50% of the itemScore, and the remaining 50% will be scaled with your attendance. This way, players with a higher attendance will be more likely to receive loot.

This addon helps manage these attendance points for raiders, and passes this information to Raven Loot. It uses officer notes to store the attendance points.

To add raiders to the system, assign them the following officer note: "1:000000000:0:0:" (no quotes).

  • The first number is the raid group.
  • The second set of numbers are attendance for the last 9 raids. 0 meaning absent, 1 meaning present. From least-recent raid (left) to most-recent raid(right).
  • The third number is the amount of backup points.
  • The fourth number is the current attendance streak. This number is reset to 0 when a bonus point is assigned.

To view and manage attendance, type "/rla".