

Reacting to chat

Reacting to chat

This will reply to "Hail Akama!" by also saying "Hail Akama!" wherever it was said. It won't react again for 15 seconds.
Reacting to a game event

Reacting to a game event

"OH MY GOD this guy has a macro when he LANDS off of a fuckin' flight like a griffin he yells hello everyone I am here and uhhhh 'cause I've seen him do this like 4 times (ghod) and then he greets everyone warmly"
Reaction using a condition

Reaction using a condition

All conditions are allowed by default. "You are not feared" is unchecked, so the reaction will no longer be chosen if you are not feared.
A spell action with some possible reactions

A spell action with some possible reactions

Options and information

Options and information