Reagent Filler

Reagent Filler


Reagent Filler takes the hassle out of restocking your reagents by offering automatic purchasing from vendors. It has you covered with features tailored to suit every class.


  • Automated Reagent Purchasing: Toggle automatic buying of reagents from vendors for easy restocking.
  • Custom Quantity Settings: Set your desired quantity of reagents to purchase easily.
  • Class-Specific Options: Each class has their reagents listed in individual sections.
  • Game Version: Compatible with WoW Classic.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Accessible via slash commands (/rf or /reagentfiller) or the mini-map button.

Language Support

  • Current Support: English.


  • Supported Versions: Compatible with World of Warcraft Classic including SOD.

Feedback and Support

I value feedback, suggestions, and any bugs you may find. Please feel free to send me a message on GitHub, Curse, or in-game at Ache-CrusaderStrike (US)


Reagent Filler is an open-source add-on distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.