Remaining XP

Remaining XP

Detailed XP Tooltip

Detailed XP Tooltip

The EXP Bar integration or the custom Remaining XP Bar gives access to a detailed XP tooltip.
Presets, Move the Display

Presets, Move the Display

Move the Remaining XP Bar anywhere on screen, hold SHIFT & drag or apply one of the presets.
EXP bar integration

EXP bar integration

You can enhance the default EXP bar to show more information, always or on mouseover.


Customize the XP Bar display to your heart's content! Font, color, background, size, fade..
Chat notifications

Chat notifications

Get notifications of exact XP values earned, or Rested XP accumulated when leaving a rested area or continuously however you specify.
Chat commands

Chat commands

Use the "/remxp" command to access chat controls. The "/remxp help" slash command will list the available options.