Rep Grinder

Rep Grinder


Make it Easy To Track Reputations!

This Addon is for anyone who wants to keep an eye on certain faction reputations, or wants to see which character has the highest rep in their account.

You will need to login at least once to each character that you want tracked by RepGrinder! 

Open By:
  • Clicking on the Minimap Button
  • Hitting your WoW Reputations Hotkey ('U' by default)
  • Typing /repgrinder or /rg
  • Clicking your Reputations Tab in your character sheet.
The RepGrinder Detail Window
  • See a lot of data about your Faction Reputations.  
  • Sort your Reputations in different ways by clicking on the headers. 
  • If you click the gear at the top right of the window you can change lots of settings, like hiding all Unknown reputations or reputations that you already are Exalted in, or even show reputations from the other side (Horde/Alliance). 
  • Clicking a star next to a faction will add it to the RepGrinder Watch Window.  Faction Reps that are watched will ALWAYS show in your RepGrinder detail window, regardless of your filtering settings.

Rep Grinder Detail Window With Settings

The RepGrinder Watch Window
Rep Grinder Watch Window
  • Shows you your watched factions. 
  • Moveable whenever the RepGrinder Detail Window is open.  Transparent and Click-Through when the detail window is closed.
  • Add Factions to your watch list by checking the star in the RepGrinder Detail Window. 
  • The order of the faction in the watch window is based on the sorting you have in the RepGrinder Details Window.
  • Options to Hide when in a Party, or Hide altogether.
  • Shows you how much Reputation you have earned today.
I Hope You Enjoy!