Rep Items

Rep Items


Rep Items shows reputation gains from item hand-ins that are held in your bank and bags.

Ever wondered what reputation an item is used for when questing? Should you keep, sell, or just destroy it? Rep Items will tell you by mousing over the item and, once in your inventory, tell you how many you need and the increase value for a hand-in to increase your reputation with the relevent faction. If you are trying to increase a reputation with one toon this will tell you if any of your other toons are holding any items that may be of use.

There are only a couple of slash commands that are used as most of the settings can be done from the right-click menu or the interface screen.

  • /repitems show - will show the window
  • /repitems hide - will hide the window
  • /repitems reset - will move the window back to the starting location and make it visible

Help in finding the reputation changes in Cataclysm would be helpful, just post here or create a ticket on curseforge.
I should have written this before I was rep-grinding on my main toon, then I would not have sold, dropped or passed on a lot of items that I thought of as useless at the time.