


As you wander around Azeroth, your reputation bar will switch depending on where you are, not by which quest gave you a faction bump.


  • Gained Retail WoW support! Completed January 26, 2022, at least until patch 9.2 releases. If I missed any scenarios or other areas, let me know.
  • Zones by faction: Stormwind, Darkspear Trolls, Gnomeregan Exiles, Orgrimmar, etc.
  • Instances by faction: Hydraxian Waterlords, Brood of Nozdormu, etc
  • Battlegrounds by faction: Silverpike Guard, Warsong Outriders, etc
  • Subzones by faction: several little areas in various zones have pockets of faction hubs

Missing data:

  • If you find any subzones that have quest hubs I've missed, I need the text from the minimap in ENGLISH, your basic faction (Horde or Alliance), and the proper faction in ENGLISH to match. To get the instanceIDs for me: when you enter an instance that is missing a reputation or is incorrect, type into chat /rdump select(8, GetInstanceInfo()) and send me the number printed to chat.
  • Some retail maps are "recycled" depending on the phase you are, like Vale of Eternal Blossoms. To get the correct UiMapID, I need data from /dump WorldMapFrame:GetMapID() please and thank you.

Open the options:

  • /rbz
  • /repbyzone
  • ESC, Interface, AddOns, RepByZone


RepByZone has its own translations and LibAboutPanel-2.0's localizations.

Known Issues:

  • In some rare cases, characters have not learned their racial or class reputation because they have not interacted with an NPC from that faction. This causes the Default Watched Reputation menu to have nothing selected. For example, my Rogue has never interacted with Ravenholdt. I could go down the rabbit hole and provide workarounds, but upon testing, this proved to be a bad idea. Please check this menu when you first log into a character, and if required, select a Default Watched Reputation if you wish. Not selecting one will do no harm, and once your character learns the reputation, RepByZone will fix itself.
  • It is not possible to display zone or subzone data for reputations the character has not yet discovered. Examples would be Gurubashi Arena and Bloodsail Buccaneers faction, or Arathi Highlands and Wildhammer Clan faction. Once a character gains or loses any amount of reputation with that faction and moves around the zone, RBZ will update. Discovering the faction may require the character to explore other zones or even continents.