


This addon shows a HUD frame on screen showing multiple reputations to be tracked, excellent for those Diplomat Acheivements. Reputations can be selected to be tracked via the Reputation Detail Frame(See images). Conversely, reputations can be removed from tracking by either unchecking the checkbox, or Shift+Clicking the row in the HUD. Shift+Clicking has been extended to the Reputation lines int he reputation pane. 


/repper none

    - Disable Rep tracking, clears all bars

/repper bar

    - Selects the next available bar texture

/repper bar [#]

    - Selects bar texture number # (0 - 17, 0 = Default)

If there are any issues, please post them below.

This addon will be renamed soon, as it has officially joined the MiniHUD family of addons. [MiniHUD - Reputation]