


ReputationTracker_TBC dynamically updates your tracked reputation based on the instance you are running, or the zone you are in. 
While this addon was built originally as a proof-of-concept in WoW-Classic, the practical application of not needing to constantly pull up your Character--> Reputation pane to check or switch reputations every new dungeon became much more obvious as TBC (re)released.

This addon is still in development, but the dungeon-based reputation does work for alliance-based characters, and for ALL factions with shared reputations. 

- MAJOR: This addon does not currently support Horde for any split reps in TBC where there is an Alliance Counterpart (I.e - Honor Hold vs Thrallmar) - THIS IS PLANNED TO BE FIXED SOON
- This Addon currently only updates (For TBC) based on the dungeon being run. 
- Zones are built in for most classic areas with zone-based rep (EPL/WPL, Silithus, etc). 
- Zones for TBC are planned to come soon.
- Sub-zones for areas with notable factions with limited geographic coverage will come later (I.e Sporeggar, and others)

Personal Dev Note:
- Hi all, I'm Shreazla, and I'm new to the addon scene.   This is my first addon I'm publishing, and while I have a list of things I would like to improve, I wanted to open this up to the public for use as-is now (as it is a handy feature, even with all the things it is missing which I want to add to it) and secondly (more importantly) I wanted to get some feedback on this for what others thought.   I hope this is useful to you as a QOL enhancement!