Roman: Guild Recruitment Barker

Roman: Guild Recruitment Barker



Guild Recruitment Barker for WoW

This was built specifically to bark our guild recruitment message.

Retired Service Dog who still alerts

Roman is a Belgian Malinois / Husky service dog who washed due to being attacked by other people's dogs too many times, and as such no longer is allowed public access for being dog reactive now. However, he doesn't know he's no longer a service dog, so he still alerts, and one of those is to let his people know when someone is at the door by coming to you and giving one single loud bark (which for him sounds scary) just in case owner did not hear the doorbell.

Thusly, since this addon is essentially a message barker, it has been named Roman in honor of him.

This only does guild recruitment barks.



  • Roman will share his location and last time he barked in the zone he is in so that if multiple people in the same guild are running the addon, he does not bark over another person's bark.
  • Roman will share his settings with other guild members. Whomever has the highest guild rank being the "Handler" for the rest of the pack.

... eventually ...


Ground Rules:

  • Barking is a willful action.
  • ** It requires direct input from the player, and should never be fully automated.
  • ** Thus we require a button click each time a bark is to be sent.
  • ** You can cancel any bark without issue.
  • I will not code the announcements for any faster than every 15 minutes.
  • ** If you modify the code to go faster and get reported / banned, that's on you.
  • When on flight paths, you may notice on occasion it does not fire within a zone.
  • ** This is by design to prevent message flooding, and to ensure that the multiple zone changes in some flight path locations don't hang your game and cause lock ups.
  • We do not bark in instances!

Assumptions made:

  • General chat is the default channel to recruit in.
  • Trade Chat supersedes General Chat, and therefore it is an either / or situation.
  • If you have trade turned on, when you are in a place where trade chat is available, we will not bark into General.
  • The inverse is true as well, if you have Trade turned off, we will bark in General.
  • You already have a recruitment message built into the game via the guild recruitment panel in-game, this simply takes that message, adds your unique link to it and barks it out so that more people see it.

Things open for discussion:

  • Any incorrect assumptions made on my part.
  • Almost anything else other than the minimum time frame of 15 minutes.

About PapaBearDoes

I am a founding member of The Alphabet Cartel, and we play on the [US][H]Hellscream server under the guild <Alphabet Cartel> (we are looking for more players to join!). We are a conglomeration of gamers and content creators that have banded together to provide a safe place for LGBTQIA+ members and allies, and to provide awareness and education on the issues that the Cartel experiences through games, discussion, and community.

You can join the Cartel via our discord server (or in game: Search for "Alphabet Cartel" under the guild search frame - the "J" key).