RP Emotes

RP Emotes


This is a small addon with a fairly simple function. The purpose is to expand upon the exisiting emotes that Blizzard has in the game with a few more in depth or interesting one.

Commands are as follows:

/8ball [Question] - This asks the magic 8ball, shakes it and then gives you a randomly selected response.
/draw [Number] - Draws a number of cards specified from a 52 Deck of Cards. If the will automatically shuffle the deck if needed.
/shuffle [Number] - Shuffles the Deck of Cards, use if you want to reset the deck before it's empty. Number specifies the number of decks to use between 1-4.
/check [S] - Checks how many cards remain in the current deck without drawing any. If S is supplied player will be ouput to the user only.
/tdraw [Number] - Draws a number of cards specified from the Tarot Deck. If the will automatically shuffle the deck if needed.
/tshuffle - Shuffles the Tarot Deck, use if you want to reset the deck before it's empty.
/tcheck - Checks how many cards remain in the tarot deck without drawing any. If S is supplied player will be ouput to the user only.
/flip - Flips a coin in the air and displays the result.
/spin [S] - Spins a bottle for the players listed. If no list exists then one is generated from your present group/raid (excluding offline players). If S is supplied player will be ouput to the user only.
/spinlist [List] - Used to populate a list for the Spin the Bottle command. If nothing is provided will list the current one instead.
/deal and /hit - Blackjack Functionality, Deal with emote out giving the targetted player two cards whilst hit only provides one.

Custom Emotes:
/snod, /smilenod, /wag, /smug, /smuggrin, /squint, /sip [Drink], /shakehead, /shakeh

Suggestions are very much encouraged and accepted!