RP Fortune Teller

RP Fortune Teller


Have you ever wanted to see the future, or at least make your friends think you can? RP Fortune Teller will allow you to tell fortunes within the emote channel to anyone you wish, or just to anyone that will listen. You can also give people their lucky numbers if you are so inclined.

Slash Commands for this addon:

  • /rpf - Brings up the RP Fortune Teller interface menu
  • /rpf_tell - Allows you to tell a fortune
  • /rpf_lucky - Allows you to reveal lucky numbers

Interface Menu Options:

  • Force Targeted Options - Checking this box will force the fortunes/gazes to pull from the "targeted" list when a target is highlighted. Unchecking this allows the addon to pull from all lists when a target is highlighted.
  • Lucky Numbers to Return - This slider lets you determine how many lucky numbers can be chosen.
  • Max Lucky Number Values - This slider allows you to choose the maximum value that can be used for a lucky number.

Plans for the future:

  • Adding more fortunes/gazes
  • Adding in the ability to customize your own fortunes/gazes and save them