Chitchat (Answering Machine)

Chitchat (Answering Machine)


Chitchat is an addon that works as a in-game answering machine. You can choose when Chitchat will begin recording incoming whispers. While recording choose how Chitchat will notify you of a whisper. All incoming whispers and outgoing whispers are saved locally and can be viewed at anytime through an easy to use interface. Have a fully customized experience with many easy to understand options.

Features include:

  • Whenever you enter the world, enter/leave an instance, respawn at a graveyard or after any loading screen you will be notified of any unread whispers.
  • Automatically start recording during combat, while in town/inn, when afk, dnd or all the time.
  • All new whispers including the date, sender, and time are recorded..
  • Whispers are saved across multiple sessions and exist until deleted.
  • Tracks date and time of each whisper you receive.
  • All saved whispers are accessible on any character.
  • An option to hide incoming whispers while recording.
  • Option to set favorites to always have the log at the top.
  • Option to log General, Trade, Guild or Guild Officer channels.
  • Set an auto-respond message while recording.
  • Get those nasty CAPSLOCK messages auto-corrected into something more readable.
  • Full support for Data Broker.

Example uses include:

  • Never miss a whisper from a guild member or friend again from being logged out due to inactivity!
  • You can login on any character and read that long whisper you received right as you logout a few minutes ago!
  • Never miss anything said in trade, view trade chat history at any time.

Request any feature you like to see added!