



The Saddlebag Exchange ingame market addon for WoW! The addon will generate the json data needed to interact with the saddlebag exchange discord and website searches.


The first function that pops up will generate json data for our region wide undercut check and undercut alerts. This will let you check on the status of your auctions to see if you are undercut or your items sell across all characters on all realms!

How to use the addon?

1. When you open the auction house window you will notice 2 buttons at the top, you must click on your `Auctions` tab to view your auctions for the data to populate automatically or update.
- `Show Single Undercut Data` will show just the json data for your current character
- `View Full Undercut Data` will show you all of the json data for all of your characters

Addon Undercuts Json Example:




3. Paste the data into our webpage to see all your undercuts and sales :

Use our main website page

Or use our legacy alpha page


4. If you join our discord, you can also enter this into our discord bot to receive alerts on your undercuts via discord direct message:

Discord Alert message example:

This json data from this window can be copied to your clipboard and pasted into our discord bot.  The discord bot will then track these price levels and alert you every hour after the blizzard auction api updates when this auction price level is in several states:

  • The price level is not found, this means that the auction has sold, expired or the blizzard api has not yet picked it up.
  • The price level is found and it is the lowest on the stack, this means you are not undercut.
  • The price level is found and it is not the lowest on the stack (and your auction id does not match the lowest auction id), this means you have been undercut.


Known issues:

  • Commodities are not currently indexed for Undercut Alerts

Links to our projects:



