


add check boxes to results that can remove items from results

cohenaj194 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


So i got this data and theres one item i dont care about with 200472 as an id. We should display the names of which items appear in here and have some kind of checkbox so that they can be ignored.

This is my output

    "homeRealmName": "Thrall",
    "region": "US",
    "user_auctions": [
        {"itemID": 200472,"price": 1110100},
        {"itemID": 200912,"price": 79999900},
        {"itemID": 200472,"price": 440100},
        {"itemID": 198715,"price": 9995000},
        {"itemID": 200911,"price": 380000000},
        {"itemID": 198715,"price": 4445000}

If a user unchecks the box then this is what I would like to show

    "homeRealmName": "Thrall",
    "region": "US",
    "user_auctions": [
        {"itemID": 200912,"price": 79999900},
        {"itemID": 198715,"price": 9995000},
        {"itemID": 200911,"price": 380000000},
        {"itemID": 198715,"price": 4445000}

we should also have this feature for any list that gets over 4000 characters. If it does maybe have a red box that pops up saying. : List over 4000 characters, use the web page undercut checker. If you want to use the discord alerts you must limit what items appear in the list with this menu...