Pet Undercut Alert
cohenaj194 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Create an alert to track pet listings region wide:
"region": "US",
"user_auctions": [
{"realmID": 1263, "petID": 3390 ,"price": 25000000},
{"realmID": 25, "petID": 3390 ,"price": 25000000},
{"realmID": 52, "petID": 3390 ,"price": 33000000},
{"realmID": 52, "petID": 3541 ,"price": 93000000}
To do this we are going to need to have something to get / update pet listing prices for a user whenever they open the AH window on any realm. It will delete and replace old records for a realm whenever you view the AH again.
This will track the petID, realmID and listing price in copper.
The only other field is the region.